Landscape Design Of Clums And Flowers With Their Hands

Flowers: How to make a mixbourder and a rising flower
Who's gonna argue that the flowers are the great decoration of the garden, some of them, and they're starting the garden mostly to grow them. But at the same time, the construction of flowermen has considerable material costs and very cotton care. Let us tell us how to create the most universal of them, the mixbourder and the bloom, as well as the colours that will steal the garden with minimal care.
Colours of single-year-olds are particularly bright, they are well suited for parade sites, but their device requires annual time to produce planting seeds, and the purchase of high-volume crops is quite complete. With time and resources scarce, it is more rational to place long-term flowers in a small garden.
Flowers with regular and landscape planning have been distributed among the colours of the garden. The first consists of usually flower lotters, right shape, linear colours - Bordeures and Rabbits. Landscape flowers Mixed brodures, or mixborers, groups and natural masses, simulated portions of the flower bow, thrill or the shadow of the forest.
As a self-containing decoration element in a small area, well understood free flower shape: silver, drip or scream. They are not placed by accident, but by a specific purpose and by placing them on the ground, for example, to lay down the roads, to set up an open site or an entry area. A flower with alpine elements showing small decorative plants, or a collection flower, sometimes surrounds the perimeter to provide a better overview from different sides.
Clean and napkin
Mixbuders are stationed on a customary basis: artisanal and high flower plants are on the back, low on the front.
In order to enhance the continuous attractiveness of the flower, there should be an understanding of the timing of different species and varieties of plants. In mixboders, it is advisable to use decorative-stable species that create a dense, durable and coloriticly saturated colour.

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