Artisans In Garden Landscape Design

Живописный дизайн с кустарникамиIt is difficult to imagine a modern garden without greening elements such as decorative handicrafts, which bring in bright bars in the sand palette of plantations. Decorative gardeners serve as effective saucers decorationing open areas, living gardens along the road or serving as a background for sand flower composites. Their presence transforms the appearance of any garden and makes it more reckless and celebratory.

For a beautiful handicraft to fit into an already existing landscape, a number of basic criteria should be taken into account when choosing a plant.

Куст парковой розыPrivacy is a key criterion for plant selection. Today, in the gardening market, there are not a single hundred different kinds of handicraftsmen with unusual shape and colouring of leaf, and the fine flower of dive shades. If it's a colored artisanal, it's desirable that he be happy with continuous flowing throughout the season. Interest is also expressed in decorative varieties that change their colour over time.

Цветущий куст жасмина

The selection of handicraftsmen should take into account the composition of the garden. Here. small area It is better to plant the most compact varieties with a dense non-raciding crown (e.g. colonid bulbs). By planning to evict the artisanal as a freely growing living fence, it is possible to stop its choices on crops that are prone to rapid growth. Special attention should be paid to the shape of the crown so that it would look attractive not only during the summer with the leaf cap, but also during the winter period.

Бордовый куст пузыреплодникаWhen selecting the plant, account should be taken of the characteristics of the climate zone in which it grows. Some classes feel comfortable in semi-enclosed gardens, while others are able to decoration only at well-administered sites. Beginning horticultures should be given preference to classes that do not require special care and breeding conditions.

Although roses are part of " caprising " plants whose decoration requires much effort, park varieties of culture may be able to plant even horticulture horticultures at their site.

Богатство цвета рододендронов Нарядные кусты дерна Бордовые «шары» барбариса Лещина – нарядное украшение двора

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