Landscape Design And Garden Architecture

If we travel 80 kilometres north of Paris, we can get to the liver place. This tree is famous for being here for 40 years, living and building Claude Monet.

Having settled in 1883 in the village, the artist was so excited about the gardening that there was nothing on his halfs other than his favorite garden and the poppy field, which is on the edge of the village.

At the beginning, Monet ' s garden consisted only of a land adjacent to the house (about 1 ha). Here's the first thing the artist has done is knock out a dark alley from the eels and the kiparis. But there were high pawns left, which were followed by pletal roses. But soon, the lians grew up so much that they were sober and formed a blooming tunnel leading from the gate to the house. Of course, over time, the songs were destroyed, and now the roses are supported by metal supports. This place can be seen in the Master's paintings: the prospect of the alley, where on the left, right and top of the flea flowers, and on the road below their thin arsonic shadows.

A place in front of a house that looked out of windows, an artist turned into a flower palitre, mixing and picking paint. In Monet's garden, the sand-bearing flower carpet is separated by straight paths like paint in the box. Mona wrote flowers and painted flowers. He's like a true talented man, and he's an outstanding artist, and an outstanding artist. Landscape Designer♪ He was very serious about the gardening, buying special books and magazines, taking notes with the pets, exchanging seeds with other flowers.

Сад Клода МонеThe artists often visited Mona in Zierney. There were Mathiss, Cesanne, Renouard, Pissarro and others. Knowing that the owner was attracted by flowers, his friends brought him to the house. So Mona had, for example, wooden pies brought from Japan.

Claude Monet is getting famous by now. The technicians of this artist's painting are different because he didn't mix paint. He had them around or sent one to another separate mask. Claude Monet's life is flowing calmly and pleasantly, family and wife-loved, paintings are well bought, and the painter is fascinating in his favorite business.

In 1893, Monet purchased a piece of swamp land near its but on the other side of the railway. There was a little stream. On that occasion, an artist with the support of local authorities created a pond, first small and extended thereafter. There were nymphes of different varieties in the watermelon, shores, placucia, bamboo, Iris, rododendrones and roses.

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